Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Club Elections 2.0

With more and more kids getting involved in numerous school sports and activities it is so hard to get them all together in one place to hold elections for clubs. There are some simple solutions to this problem, but most of them come with a problem of their own...not every student gets a voice. As I started trying to figure out how to solve this problem, I realized that the answer had been staring me in the face all along. That answer was Google Classroom! As a Google district I already used it with my students, so why not with my clubs?

How to Set Up an Election
The first thing our election needed was campaign posters. To accomplish this, I created a quick image template in Google Drawings that the students could alter and posted it in Classroom as an assignment so every student automatically got their own copy. They were given a deadline of when the poster needed to be complete. 

Once the deadline hit, I posted all the campaign posters to the Classroom stream. After a few days were given for club members to view the posters and decide who to vote for, I posted a Google Form ballot for students to vote for their choices. The ballot was posted for a set amount of time and when the time limit was up, the winners were announced on Classroom. 

The great thing about this is that not once did I have to get every kid in one room to make them part of the election process. Everyone had the same opportunity to choose their officers, whether they could be there or not. This election was the easiest one I have ever done, and is my recommendation for anyone who has the same troubles I do with getting all my kids together. It's an easy setup and kids can really be creative with their poster, even if they can't draw. Try it once, and you will never want to do elections any other way.